Clinical Laboratory Sciences Department


Teaching and training students in modern and advanced curricula and contributing to deliver the scientific and practical information to the graduate students with the sciences related to the preparation, study and development of pharmaceuticals to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect of the drug with the minimum level of side effects, to be qualified and trusted pharmacists to work in the pharmaceutical industries, drug control laboratories, and quality control.


The department is interested in providing students with scientific experience and pharmaceutical manufacturing skills through qualified and specialized teaching staff, as well as providing advanced modern equipment in laboratories, maintaining quality, relying on solid scientific methods and providing them with modern technologies used in the pharmaceutical and analytical industries within the current and future pharmaceutical that help to complete education programs and visit advanced universities abroad for workers in the field of pharmaceutical industries and community pharmacy and provide all possibilities to serve the community.


1. The department prepares students to be familiar with the basics of pharmaceutical manufacturing and are able to deal in the preparation of various pharmaceutical formulas and dosage forms
2. Prescribing and determining the necessary dose in various fields of work
3. Preparing students to be sufficiently familiar with all types of pharmaceutical work
4. Working on finding methods of targeting for drugs delivery
5. Learning biotechnology and benefiting from it in the field of pharmaceutical manufacturing
6. Benefiting from polymers in various Pharmaceutical fields
7. Studying bioavailability and bioequivalence
8. Preparing students to be able to work in research laboratories and pharmaceutical companies, studying and controlling the quality of pharmaceutical preparations and drug control 
9. Preparing pharmacists who are able to study the stability of drugs that guarantee their validity for use and time of effect as well as their shelf life

Department Staff

 م.د. ضياء رحيم جودة كزار التميمي      
رئيس فرع الصيدلانيات والعلوم المختبرية

 م.م. نور كتاب هاشم عبيد

مقررة الفرع

      أ.م . قاسم علاوي بدر


  م.د. زهراء عبد الرزاق عبد الأمير


 م.م. رسل مالك محمد مهدي الددة  


   م.م. وسام غازي سند محم


  م.م. سجى محمد حسين علي


 م.م. زهراء ثابت عبد الأمير حمزة  


   م.م. حوراء إبراهيم إسماعيل حسين
