1 | Applied Therapeutics-I | | الخامسة |
2 | Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry – IV | |
3 | Industrial Pharmacy –II | |
4 | Clinical Toxicology | |
5 | Clinical Chemistry | |
9 | Hospital Training | |
10 | Pharmaceutical Analysis | |
11 | Pharmaceutical biotechnology |
12 | Dosage from design | |
13 | therapeutic Drug Monitoring |
9 | Pharmacology II | | الرابعة |
10 | Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry II | |
11 | Clinical Pharmacy I | |
12 | Biopharmaceutics | |
13 | Public Health | |
14 | English Language | |
15 | | |
16 | | |
17 | | |
18 | | |
19 | Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry |
| الثالثة |
20 | Pharmacognosy II |
21 | Pharmaceutical Technology I |
22 | Biochemistry I |
23 | Pathophysiology |
24 | English Language | |
25 | Introduction to Pharmacy Ethics |
26 | | |
27 | | |
28 | | |
29 | | |
30 | Organic Chemistry II |
| الثانية |
31 | Medical Microbiology I |
32 | Physical Pharmacy I |
33 | Physiology I |
34 | Democracy |
35 | Computer Sciences |
36 | Pharmacognosy I |
37 | | |
38 | | |
39 | | |
40 | | |
41 | | |
42 | Theoretical Human Biology | | الأولى |
43 | Principles of Pharmacy Practice | |
44 | Theoretical Analytical Chemistry | |
45 | Medical Terminology | |
46 | Mathematics and Biostatistics | |
47 | Computer Science | |
48 | English Language | |
49 | Practical Human Biology | |
50 | Practical Analytical Chemistry | |
| | | |